Blonde moment

And the silver spoon.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

He is Risen!

He is risen, indeed! Thanks be to God.

You know, I’d also like to take the opportunity to thank some of the men in my life who go and follow Christ’s example.

To Sidney, who loves America, though not your own country, so much you have devoted eight years of your life to her service. I am proud to call you brother citizen.

To Peder, who will become my cousin in December, who loves America and served his country doing three tours in Iraq, and doing some of the most unpleasant of jobs.

To my Dad, who loves America and sacrificed through service in the Vietnam War, in the Real Man’s Army. And who continually follows Christ’s example by donating blood, over thirty gallons throughout his adult life.

To my husband, Josh, who served honorably for eight years in the Army and National Guard. Though no one would have thought less of you for not re-enlisting, you did, knowing you would go to war.

Our country is a better place because these men follow Christ’s example, by giving themselves, by saying, “I will,” to the call, and by getting little in return. May we all follow these leaders as they show us how Christ lived.


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