Follow up on the Baptism Series…
First, I want to say a special thanks to Barb the Evil Genius for the extra encouragement and links! That was super cool of you! And also, thanks to those who have stopped by to visit!
I haven’t ventured into any topic as in depth before on this blog, and such things are intellectually challenging and exhausting for me. I hope to venture into a topic in such a manner again, but it’s going to be after Christmas, unless inspiration strikes.
I also want to give a little hat tip to Scotty … I don’t like carrots in my chicken soup, either. And though I probably wouldn’t eat your gumbo (unless you used chicken instead of sea food), and though I still think you’re mistaken about this Santa thing, you’re still a neat guy and a great encouragement to Josh. Our prayers are with you in your study and publishing efforts.
Anyway, Baptism seems to be a popular topic of late, and so here are some further resources on the topic. Thanks to tkls2myhrt from Katie’s Beer , we have a great post on Baptism from Confessing Evangelical. Also, Kelly Klages provides us with a thorough discussion on baptism (which I haven’t entirely read but intend on). And finally, we have hour 1 and hour 2 from the September 18, 2005, Issues Etc. discussion on baptism.
I haven’t ventured into any topic as in depth before on this blog, and such things are intellectually challenging and exhausting for me. I hope to venture into a topic in such a manner again, but it’s going to be after Christmas, unless inspiration strikes.
I also want to give a little hat tip to Scotty … I don’t like carrots in my chicken soup, either. And though I probably wouldn’t eat your gumbo (unless you used chicken instead of sea food), and though I still think you’re mistaken about this Santa thing, you’re still a neat guy and a great encouragement to Josh. Our prayers are with you in your study and publishing efforts.
Anyway, Baptism seems to be a popular topic of late, and so here are some further resources on the topic. Thanks to tkls2myhrt from Katie’s Beer , we have a great post on Baptism from Confessing Evangelical. Also, Kelly Klages provides us with a thorough discussion on baptism (which I haven’t entirely read but intend on). And finally, we have hour 1 and hour 2 from the September 18, 2005, Issues Etc. discussion on baptism.
At 2:37 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Here is my final word on this all important issue of understanding what true baptism is really all about. Unfortunately, there is much confusion about baptism in the various Christian denominations. However, this is not a result of the Bible presenting a confusing message on baptism. The Bible is abundantly clear of what baptism is, who it is for, and what it accomplishes. In the Bible, only believers who had placed their faith in Christ were baptized - as a public testimony of their faith and identification with Him (Acts 2:38; Romans 6:3-4). Water baptism by immersion is a step of obedience after faith in Christ. It is a proclamation of faith in Christ, a statement of submission to Him, and an identification with His death, burial, and resurrection.
With this in view, infant baptism is not a Biblical practice. An infant cannot place his or her faith in Christ. An infant cannot make a conscious decision to obey Christ. An infant cannot understand what water baptism symbolizes. The Bible does not record any infants being baptized. Infant baptism is the origin of the sprinkling and pouring methods of baptism - as it is unwise and unsafe to immerse an infant under water.
Furthermore, baptism does not save a person. It does not matter if you were baptized by immersion, pouring, or sprinkling - if you have not first trusted in Christ for salvation, baptism (no matter the method) is meaningless and useless. Water baptism by immersion is a step of obedience to be done after salvation as a public profession of faith in Christ and identification with Him. Infant baptism does not fit the Biblical definition of baptism or the Biblical method of baptism. If Christian parents wish to dedicate their child to Christ, then a baby dedication service is entirely appropriate. However, even if infants are dedicated to the Lord, when they grow up they will still have to make a personal decision to believe in Jesus Christ in order to be saved and then get baptized.
Then, there is the issue of Godparents. Godparenting is usually associated with a baptism or christening ceremony in some Christian denominations. The term godparenting or godparents is not addressed in Scripture. Godparenting is entirely a tradition, neither condemned nor condoned in Scripture. In those circles when godparents are chosen, they are sometimes called “sponsors.” Since the baby or small child is not able to speak for himself, the sponsors may make the statement of faith in Jesus Christ for the baby or child.
Biblical baptism requires an individual to have his/her own faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. Baptism is a symbol of one's trust in Jesus. It is a public declaration of believing in Christ and is a picture of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus and being raised to live for Him. Therefore, godparenting is not biblically in agreement with the baptism rite for believers. No one else can speak for a baby or small child as to their salvation. That must be a personal decision and the one making it must be old enough to understand what he/she is doing and its significance. I pray that with this knowledge, you’ll not baptize your baby. I pray that you’ll take a stand and do what is right in the eyes of God. May God bless you and your family Liz.
At 5:05 PM ,
Consecutive Odds said...
Well, Anon, this is where we must part ways. I've tried, in love, to point out the errors in your theologians and logic, but you do not respond to my objections. You cannot then go back and say, "Well the Bible tells me so and Scripture alone." I believe, teach, and confess that there is nothing I can do for my salvation. I believe God chose me, not that I chose Jesus or made him Lord of my life. God did so, as evidenced in Philippians. As such, baptism is not the work of man. It is not something that I do to show my faith and commitment in Christ, it is not an outword sign of an inward state, it is not my act.
I thank you kindly for your prayers, particularly those for Baby. And I will continue to pray for you and that God will cause your faith to grow. As the Apostle Paul says, in Heaven we will know fully, and until that time, we must each go with our own convictions.
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