Blonde moment

And the silver spoon.

Friday, February 23, 2007

New Employee Etiquette Part II

One of the fundamental rules of employment is: you will be supervised or trained in by someone with an inferior degree to yours.

Now, I don’t want to shock anyone, so sit down, you faint of heart, but, I did not graduate from a private school… and there are those who would say I got an inferior education, though I would beg to differ.

Anyway, while I was training new employees, someone with a fancier degree in economics decided it was his job to correct me. Here’s the application:

1. Odds are good the person who is paid to train you to do your job knows how to do your job.
2. If you have a fancy degree and got the same job as someone with a less expensive degree, the person who passed cost/benefit analysis is the person with the less expensive degree.
3. If you have a fancy degree and got the same job as someone with a less expensive degree, you are probably not as brilliant as you think.


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