Blonde moment

And the silver spoon.

Friday, January 18, 2008

This week in the life of baby…

We find out that Baby is starting to grow fat deposits that will help Baby maintain body temperature when Baby is born. Also, Baby will startle at loud noises, which means Baby can hear! Am I going to be one of those Moms with headphones on her tummy? No. But I reserve the right to change my mind. Also, Baby decided it would be acceptable to eat a chicken sandwich... the first time I've had poultry since Thanksgiving. And, Baby is moving and I can feel it!

Speaking of babies, I am just dying to know if Kara from Finding Guppy has delivered. Perhaps I’ll give her a call this weekend, or maybe her mom. Kara resisted the urge to find out her lil’ pumpkin’s gender. Good for her. I’m set on doing the same.

Speaking of finding out Baby’s gender… we have our ultrasound on the 25th. I’m still saying I don’t want to know. Josh does because he wants to know what kind of toys he should be buying. I explained that all babies like animals and things they can chew on. The grandmothers want to know, of course. But, my doctor’s appointment, my choice. And no, we either both know or neither of us will know. Besides, I’m the one loosing meals.

Baby is at week 17 and as always, info provided by


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