Blonde moment

And the silver spoon.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Drill Weekend...

It's drill weekend again. Good practice for when Josh is on his two weeks; except this is going to be drill-lite. We have the annual picnic today. So, all night, I've been practicing not passing Mallory off to Josh when she is inconsolable and I will care for her myself all day tomorrow. She is Daddy's girl, though.

Yesterday evening, we met Josh's Aunt, Uncle, Cousin, and their friends. Josh's cousin registered for college and we all had dinner together at a good half way point. "Pass the Baby" was the game of the evening, and Mallory loves to cuddle.

Well, I'm almost done with my breakfast, so I'm going to get ready for the day while she is still quiet and listening to Bach. Yes, I'm slowly converting her! But, I'll probably switch CDs this evening. Oh, and I'm also able to wear jeans! Before you get to jealous, I did keep track of clothes as I lost weight on Weight Watchers... so, they are not the jeans I wore before I started to "show."


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